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Bi-Metall Sägeband SPRINT PLUS von der Firma ARNTZ zum sägen und bearbeiten verschiedenster Materialien und Rohstoffe
Bi-Metall Sägeband SPRINT PLUS von der Firma ARNTZ zum sägen und bearbeiten verschiedenster Materialien und Rohstoffe


  • Classic tooth geometry to suit all your generalpurpose needs
  •  Variable tooth design for a wider range of material sizes
  • M42 HSS tooth tip for long and reliable performance
Round tube
Bundle of tubes
Solid material round
Solid material rectangle
R-Tech Option
Customized Band Saw Blade backing for your individual sawing applications. - available in blades 1 1/2" - 3"
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  • Fast response within 48 hours.
  • Individual offer tailored to your needs.
  • Professional support.
  • Fast help by a personal representative.



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Delivery program

Dimensions Tooth
mm inch 0,75/1,25 1,4/2 2/3 3/4 4/6 5/8 6/10 8/12 10/14 14 18
20 x 0,90 3/4 x .035
27 x 0,90 1 x .035
34 x 1,10 1 1/4 x .042
41 x 1,30 1 1/2 x .050
54 x 1,30 2 x .050
54 x 1,60 2 x .063
67 x 1,60 2 5/8 x .063
80 x 1,60 3 x .063

Your solution for a wide range of applications.

Our SPRINT-PLUS Band Saw Blade is engineered for diverse industrial applications, catering to the precise needs of medium to large workpieces across all metals. Produced from robust materials, it offers seamless performance in single or bundle cutting applications, delivering amazing flexibility.

Key Features

Variable and constant tooth pitch

Offers flexibility with both constant and variable tooth pitch options, meeting diverse cutting requirements.

Positive or neutral rake angle

Designed with a positive or neutral rake angle, depending on the toothing, for efficient sawing.

Precision Engineering

Ensures high precision in strip straightness and consistency, guaranteeing optimal results.

Frequently asked questions

What is a bi-metal Band Saw Blade?

Bi-metal Band Saw Blades combine the high flexibility of the base band, made of specially alloyed heat-treated steel with the enormous resistanceof the tooth tips made of hardened and tempered high-speed steel (HSS) in the qualities M42 and M51.

Why do Band Saw Blades need to be retracted?

What does tooth pitch mean?

What dimension of Band Saw Blade do I need?

What is the difference between constant and variable tooth pitch?

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